Uninterruptible Power Supplies UPS

Uninterruptible power supplies power maintain continuity in power supply with the help of a battery backup in the event of power failures.

Need for UPS

There are many present a day appliances like
computers require continuous power supply. Even a small temporary failure in power supply to these appliances may cause a great deal of public inconvenience.
The examples such appliances which require continuity in power supply are; safety monitors, computers, communication systems, hospital intensive care units etc.

Early UPS systems are of rotary type which consists of combination of a DC motor driven alternator run with the help of battery and a diesel engine. However such a system is in efficient, uneconomical and bulky one.

Static UPS systems

The static UPS systems are presently common and are widely used. These don’t have any moving parts and are made with solid state power electronic switches. These are of two types; namely short break and no break UPS systems.

Short break UPS

The short break UPS will have small interruption time of about 4 to 5 ms. The block diagram of such a device is shown in below figure. Under normal conditions the load is directly connected to the supply line. On the instance of power failure the UPS switches to the battery with the help of static switch. A momentary interruption in supply can be observed in case of lamps and florescent tubes.

block diagram of short break Uninterruptible power supply
Short Break UPS

No break UPS

The block diagram of a no break UPS is shown below. In such an uninterrupted power supply there not be any discontinuity in supply is noticed.
block diagram of no break Uninterruptible power supply
No break UPS


  1. Thanks for posting about this one, I was searching first before buying an
    uninterruptible power supply in the Philippines
    . I bought a no break UPS, I just can't seem to be comfy with the slight interruption with the short break UPS.

  2. Oh and just an update, I made a blog about
    deciding if you really need a UPS
    and it's in an infographic format. That way it would be simpler to understand. Any feedback would be appreciated

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