EMF Equation of a DC Generator

Generator EMF Equation

The generator works on the principle of Faraday's laws of electromagnetic induction. When a conductor cuts the magnetic lines of flux e.m.f. (electro motive force) is induced in it. This emf
is a dynamically induced e.m.f.

The emf generated in a P-pole DC generator is calculated as given below

The emf generated in a conductor is given by \[\frac{d∅}{dt}\] V.

As generators have many conductors, the average emf per conductor is calculated.
The average emf generated per conductor is given as \[\frac{d∅}{dt}\] V.
Where, ∅ is the magnetic flux per pole in weber.

If the armature of the generator is rotating at a speed of N revolutions per minute (rpm) then for one revolution the flux cut by a conductor is d∅ = ∅P Wb.
The time take for one revolution is dt = 1/N min = 60/N sec.

Therefore the emf generated per conductor is given as,
 \[\frac{d∅}{dt}\]=\[\frac{∅PN}{60}\] volt.

If Z is the total number of armature conductors (=number of armature slots X number of conductors per slots) and A is the number of parallel paths.
Then the emf generated per path is given by,


A = 2 for simplex wave winding. As the wave winding has only two parallel paths.
A = P (number of Poles) for simplex lap winding.

If the speed of the generator is given in radians / second then the emf equation can be given as,

Where ω = speed in rad/s

In a DC machine the values P, Z, A are constant and thus the equation can be expressed as,

Eg=Kg∅N v.
Where Ka=PZ/60A

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