Operating Characteristics of DC Generators

The operating characteristics represent the graphical relationships between different basic quantities related to operation of generator. These quantities include the generator terminal voltage Vt, generated emf Eg, armature current Ia, field current If, line current IL and speed N.

There three important characteristics of DC generator as given under.
  1. Magnetization
      a. No-load magnetization characteristic
      b. Load magnetization characteristic
  2. Internal characteristic
  3. External characteristic

Magnetization characteristic

No-load magnetization characteristic (Eg Vs If)

This characteristics gives the relationship of the field or excitation current with generated voltage Eg in armature (i.e. Eg=f(If)) at no load and constant speed N. The shape of the characteristics is generally the same for all types of DC generators. It is also known as saturation curve, open circuit characteristics (OCC), or simply magnetization characteristic.

Load Magnetization characteristic (Vt Vs If)

This characteristics gives the relationship of the field or excitation current with the terminal voltage Vt of generator (i.e. Vt=f(If)) when the generator is loaded and running at constant speed N. This curve is also called as load saturation curve or load curve.

Internal characteristic (E Vs Ia)

The internal characteristic give the relation between the emf induced in armature E after allowing for armature reaction and the armature current Ia.

External characteristic (Vt Vs IL)

This characteristics gives the relationship between line current (or load current) with and terminal voltage Vt of generator at constant speed N and constant field current If. This characteristic is also called as performance characteristic or also voltage regulating curve.

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