Electric Welding

Electric welding is a process of joining metal pieces with the use of electrical energy. The electricity is used to generate heat energy which melts the metals pieces in order to join the work pieces. 

Classification of Electric Welding:

The electric welding is mainly classified into two types based on the manner in which the heat energy is produced such as
resistance welding and arc welding.
Classification of types of electric welding
Classification of Electric Welding

  1. Resistance welding

    In resistance welding the heat produced due the resistance for the flow of electric current is utilized to obtain weld. It is of following four types.
    1. Spot welding
    2. Seam welding
    3. Projection welding
    4. Butt welding
      1. Upset butt welding
      2. Flash butt welding
  2. Arc welding

    In arc welding an arc at high temperature is produced between two electrodes which melts the metal pieces and obtains weld. It is of following four types.
    1. Metal arc welding
    2. Carbon arc welding
    3. Atomic hydrogen arc welding
    4. Argon or Helium arc welding.

Advantages of Electric Welding

The following are some of the advantages of electric welding.
  1. Cost – the cost of equipment of electric welding is affordable and often requires less equipment.
  2. Versatile – wide variety of electrodes is available to suit our requirement and often works with dirty metal pieces.
  3. Portability – due to less no of equipment and lesser in size the welding equipment can be easily transported.
  4. Welded joints are lighter and the surface finish of the weld looks better.
  5. Quicker welding process.
  6. Requires less cleaning after welding

Disadvantages of Electric Welding

  1. Less productivity
  2. Internal stress may set up due to continuous heating and cooling of the welding parts.
  3. Requires high Skill level of the labour.
  4. Radiation

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