Active Elements and Passive Elements

The elements or components in electrical circuits can be classified in to either active or passive elements or components. Active elements are the energy sources which deliver power to the network whereas passive elements are the elements in the network which consume energy.

Active Elements

Power supply elements such as voltage sources and current sources either independent or dependent which deliver power are called active elements. For an active element the ratio of the voltage across it to the current flowing is negative i.e. \[\frac{V}{I}<0\]. For Non-linear elements \[\frac{dV}{dI}<0\].
The graphical representations of active elements can be as follows.
active element
active element graph
active element characteristics
characteristics of active elements

Passive Elements

The elements which consume energy are called passive elements. These elements either convert energy into another form or store energy in electric or magnetic field. The elements such as a resistor, inductor and capacitor are called passive elements. For linear passive elements the ratio of voltage to current is positive i.e \[\frac{V}{I}>0\] and for Non-Linear elements \[\frac{dV}{dI}>0\]

passive element graph
Characteristics of passive element

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