Linear and Non Linear Elements

Linear Element:

An element or a system is said to be linear if it obeys the principles of additive and homogeneity. For a linear element the current passing through it is always proportional to the voltage across it. Practicallyperfect linear elements are seldom found and show some non-linearity, but approximations are made for simplifying the computations.  The V-I characteristics of linear elements pass through the origin.

Homogeneity Property:

When I1 is the circuit current for applied voltage V1, then for applied voltage αV1 the circuit current should be αI1. Where α is a constant. 
homogeneity for linear elements

Additive Property:

If I1 is the current for applied voltage V1, I2 is current for Voltage V2 then for applied voltage V1+V2 the current should be I1+I2.
Examples: ohmic resistances, conductors etc.

additivity for linear elements

Non-linear Elements:

All the elements which are not linear and do not obey the principles of homogeneity and additive properties are called non-linear elements. A nonlinear element doesn't obey ohm’s law.
Examples: diodes and other semiconducting materials, non-linear resistors etc.

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1 comment:

  1. V-I characteristics of an element looks like the graph of |x| ( V-shaped in 1st and 2nd quadrant. Will it be linear?


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