Classification of circuit elements

Classification of Network elements 

All the circuit elements in the electrical circuits can be classified into various types based on the following five classifications:

Active and Passive elements
(go to Active and Passive elements for full article)

In electrical networks the elements which deliver power to the circuit
such as voltage sources and current sources are called as active elements whereas the energy consuming elements such as resistors are called as passive elements.

Linear and Nonlinear elements

(go to Linear and Nonlinear elements for full article)

The elements with obey the super position principle i.e. homogeneity and additive, whose characteristics pass through origin are called Linear elements. All the elements which don’t satisfy the above principle are called as Non-linear elements.

Lumped and distributed elements
(go to Lumped and distributed elements for full article)

If the physical size of the elements is comparable with the wave length of electromagnetic wave propagation then these are called as distributed elements. If the physical size is negligibly small in comparison with the wave length these are called as lumped elements.

Unilateral and Bilateral elements
(go to Unilateral and Bilateral elements for full article)

Bilateral elements offer same impedance for either direction of the current flow whereas unilateral elements offer high impedance for one direction of current flow and low impedance for the other direction of current flow.

Time variant and time invariant elements
(go to Time variant and time invariant elements for full article)

The elements whose parameters vary with time are called time variant elements and the elements whose parameters doesn't vary with time are called time invariant elements.

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