Time variant and Time invariant Elements

Time invariant elements

An element or a system is said to be time invariant if parameters of the element do not vary with time. For example a resistor is a time invariant element whose value of resistance R or any response by it remains same irrespective of the instant of time when the voltage or current is applied to it. Its value may change with change with change in voltage or current like in a non-linear resistor but still it is called as a time invariant element as long as its response won't with respect to time. The given below figures shows
the sample graphs for a time invariant elements.
time invariant elements graphs
Time invariant elements

Time variant elements

The parameters of the time variant are not constant with respect to time and may change with change in the instant of time. The given below graph shows the example of V-I characteristics of a time variant element in which the slope of  the characteristic of same element is higher at time t2 than at time t1
time variant elements
Time variant element

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