Star connection | Y connection

The star connection also called Y - connection or wye connection is a type of circuit configuration in electrical circuits. If three elements in a circuit viz. aa’, bb’ and cc’ are connected in such a way that their ends either a, b and c or a’, b’ and c’ connected all together while
keeping the other ends of the elements unconnected to each other, then such a connection is called a star connection. The given below figure shows a star connected circuit. The central point in the star connection forms the neutral point.
star connected network
star connection

Star connection in AC network

The 3-phase AC systems are either star or delta connected. The star connected three phase system may have a neutral terminal. In star connection the line currents IL is equal to the phase current Iph while the phase voltage i.e. line to neutral voltage is 1/√3 of the line voltage i.e. line to line voltage.


Three phase star connected network

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