Advantages and Disadvantages of AC Transmission

Advantages of AC transmission

  1. The power can be generated at higher voltages.
  2. The voltage can be stepped up or stepped down easily and efficiently by a transformer . This helps in transmission of power at high efficiency by increasing the voltage level for transmission.
  3. Maintenance of AC substations is easy and cheaper.

Disadvantages of AC transmission

  1. An AC line requires more copper than that of an equivalent DC line.
  2. A three phase AC line requires 3 transmission lines whereas a DC line requires two lines.
  3. The construction and analysis of AC transmission line is more complicated than a DC transmission.
  4. Due to the presence of skin effect in the AC system the effective resistance of line increases.
  5. An AC line has inductance and capacitance. Due to the presence of the shunt capacitance there is a continuous loss of power due to flow of current even when the line is open.


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