Maximum Power Transfer theorem

Maximum Power Transfer theorem for DC excitation


A linear DC network having a resistive load connected receives maximum power when the load resistance is
equal to the internal resistance of the source network.

Explanation of Maximum power Transfer theorem

Consider the following circuit having load resistance connected to a DC source network. The DC source has been represented as a thevenin’s equivalent circuit.

Circuit for maximum power transfer theorem
Circuit for maximum power transfer theorem
To have the maximum power transferred to the load, according to the maximum power transfer theorem load resistance RL must be equal to the source resistance RTH.

The maximum power can be obtained by the below solution,
The load current IL can be calculated as IL=(VTH)/(RTH+RL)
The power is given by PL=IL2RL
Therefore from above two equations, PL=[VTH/(RTH+RL)]2×RL
Since, the maximum power will be transferred when RL=RTH, substituting this in above equation we get,
∴ PL(max)=[VTH2/4RTH]

Note: The efficiency at the maximum power transfer is 50%.

Maximum Power Transfer theorem for AC excitation


In a linear network having energy sources and impedances, the maximum power is transferred to the load when the load impedance is equal to the complex conjugate of the source impedance. That is, if the source impedance is (RS ± j XS) Ω then load impedance must be equal to (RS ∓ j XS) Ω for maximum power to be transferred.

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