Star - Delta transformation

A star network can be transformed to its equivalent delta connection and a delta can be transformed to its equivalent star connection. The star-delta transformation is
useful in simplifying the circuits while solving.
delta connected resistors
Delta connection
star connected resistors
Star connection

In a star network the with resistances Ra, Rb and Rc the resistances at the terminals are as given below,

RAB = Ra+Rb
RBC = Rb+Rc
RAC = Rc+Ra

For a delta network formed with resistors Rab, Rbc, and Rac the resistances at the terminals of the network are,

RAB = [RabRac+RabRbc] / [Rab + Rbc + Rac]
RBC = [RbcRac+RbcRab] / [Rab + Rbc + Rac]
RAC = [RacRab+RacRbc] / [Rab + Rbc + Rac]

For equivalent transformation it is necessary that the terminal resistances should be equal,
i.e. RAB (∆) = RAB(Y), RBC (∆) = RBC(Y) and RAC (∆) = RAC(Y),

Substituting the values in the above we get the following equations,

R+ Rb = [RabRac+RabRbc] / [Rab + Rbc + Rac] ----- (1)
R+ Rc = [RbcRac+RbcRab] / [Rab + Rbc + Rac] ----- (2)
Rc + Ra = [RacRab+RacRbc] / [Rab + Rbc + Rac] ----- (3)

Delta to Star Transformation

Applying the below algebraic manipulations for the above three equations gives the equivalent star network values of Ra, Rb and Rc from the Rab, Rbc and Rac of the given delta network.
From (1) + (3) - (2) we get,

2Ra = [ RabRac + RabRbc + RacRab + RacRbc - RbcRac - RbcRab ] / [Rab + Rbc + Rac]

⇒ 2Ra = 2RabRac / [Rab + Rbc + Rac]

Ra = RabRac/ [Rab + Rbc + Rac]     ----- (4)

Similarly from (1) + (2) - (3) we get,
Rb = RbcRab / [Rab + Rbc + Rac]    -----(5)

and from (2) + (3) - (1) we get,
Rc= RacRbc / [Rab + Rbc + Rac]     ----(6)

Star to Delta transformation

To obtain the equation for star to delta transformation the following manipulations can be done.

[ {(4)*(5)} + {(5)*(6)} + {(6)*(4)} ] / (4)

From above we get,
\[\frac{ (R_{a}R_{b} + R_{b}R_{c} + R_{a}R_{c})}{R_{a}} = \frac{[R_{ab}^{2}R_{bc}R_{ac}+R_{ab}R_{bc}^{2}R_{ac} + R_{ab}R_{bc}R_{ac}^{2}]}{ [R_{ab} + R_{bc} + R_{ac}] ^{2}}X \frac{ R_{ab} + R_{bc} + R_{ac} }{R_{ab}R_{ac}}\]

⇒ Rab = (RaR+ RbR+ RaRc ) / Rc
Similarly ,
Rbc = (RaR+ RbR+ RaRc ) / Ra
Rac = (RaR+ RbR+ RaRc ) / Rb

Also Read

Star connection
Delta connection

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