Series Connected Circuit

The elements of a circuit are said to connected series when they are connected in such a way that the current in all the elements are equal and has only one path to the flow of current. In series circuit the voltage may vary from element to element depending on the value of the parameter. Since the series circuit has only one path for current, an open circuit at any one of terminals leads to total open circuit of the entire circuit. This turns off all the devices connected in
the series with that element. So to add or remove an element from the series circuit the entire circuit has to be turned off. Most of the equipment in power system are all connected in parallel and not in series.

Example of series connection: The series connection is generally used in street lighting.

The following circuit examples shows the various configurations of series connected networks

Series connected resistors

Go to: Resistors in Series for more
Series connected resistors
Series connected resistors 
The above circuit shows three resistors connected in series with a voltage source. The  equivalent resistance of these series connected resistors is Req = R1 + R2 + R3

Series connected inductors

Inductors connected in series
Inductors connected in series

Series connected capacitors

capacitors connected in series
capacitors connected in series

Series connected RLC elements

series connected R L C parameters
series connected R L C parameters

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